D4rk Prod's profile

Kannato Banner + Logo | D4RK Prod

Olá! Me Chamo ID4RKProducer, ou D4RK Prod.
Dark, para os íntimos.
Vim aqui compartilhar um projeto que fiz para o Youtuber "Kannato" de logotipo + banner, fiz algumas variações do logo e ele gostou muito do resultado, espero que gostem!

Instagram: @ID4RKProducer

Hello! My name is ID4RKProducer, or D4RK Prod.
Dark, for those intimate.
I came here to share a project I made for the Youtuber "Kannato" with logo + banner, I made some variations of the logo and he really liked the result, I hope you like it!

Instagram: @ID4RKProducer
Kannato Banner + Logo | D4RK Prod

Kannato Banner + Logo | D4RK Prod
